Editor’s Letter for 2022.

Subscribers feedback: explain in one word what you want to achieve in 2023.

Xola Speelman , January 1, 2023


Only the prepared will make it to the other side.

In the history of great sportsmanship, business leaders or winners in any aspect of life, and on our real day to day experiences, it has been evident that we will always need to do a few or more basic important measures that prepares us to conquer all the mountains on our journey to success. Whether it’s gym, study, practice and all other relevant forms of preparations, there will always be your side of action which is required to achieve any goal at hand.

Many of us think that preparation is somewhat for the already established or almost great individuals in the world, because we associate preparation with people with the best work ethic or the best attitude amongst others. Little did we know that for those we look at and think they are almost there or they are already achieving stuff, they have also started in demotivated states, they have also gone through depression but they have started by finding basic ways that prepares them to come out of their dark zones – and that do not require any heavy movement, any money but the change and the right mindset.

One would ask, how do I even begin with change and the right mindset? The answer is SIMPLE, there is nothing easy to start, without being willing to start with it. To start creating change and the right mindset one has to willingly accept that they need change, accept that they need the right mindset, then start by asking people with good change and the right mindset to walk the journey with you. And on top of it all, if we want change and the right mindset we do not have to start going to the gym, start reading motivational books and etc, but we need a different kind of thinking. 

Think of what could happen if we start to prepare our daily activities, think of what could happen if we can start saving money, think of what could happen if we train our minds to be strong, and from just thinking - one can visualize the end goal, and when we see the end goal, then we have to practically start putting our first step towards the goal. Lastly, it will never be easy but it’s already a great achievement to prepare our minds and ourselves for the beautiful things we have filled our minds with.

So, whether it’s a CAR, PROPERTY, FINANCIAL BREAKTHROUGH, PARTNER, STUDY – or whatever you want to achieve this year, start by thinking positive about it and practically work on it. It’s possible.

By: X Speelman

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