Bellarosa WIP Productions PTY LTD is the brainchild of Miss Nobubele Nzima, a young and vibrant entrepreneur from Umtata. Recently, she has been chosen as a GBV and Femicide ambassador working with The UN - Women, O.R Tambo and DBSA, and she is also one of the Bar-one 60 local heroes. To kickstart our engagement we tried to hear from her how is it to start a business, and this is what she said, “starting a business for me has been very difficult considering the fact that I started when Covid-19 lockdown was heavy back in April 2020. Everything suddenly went up and it was very hard getting the resources I needed to move forward with my business but I really pushed, and I’m still in business till this day with the support of my mother, my close friends and relatives who have always pushed me to do everything without limitations”.
When did you commence with your business and what inspired the thought? “Started the business in 2020, after I left my corporate job to become a creator of jobs. My decision came from the bad treatment I got in the corporate world, which led me to be depressed for years. That whole experience made me realize that working for someone else wasn’t my calling, I always believed my calling is creating employment opportunities for people - especially youth, women and people with disability to be precise”.
Please share how did you overcame the challenges you mentioned that you faced when you were trying to get your business off the ground? “Naturally, I always manage to overcome most of my challenges because I never give up on my dreams, yes, I may take a break when I’m tired but as soon as I regain strength, I’m back by full force. So, in 2020 I knew I have to start operating with or without the pandemic and there was no way I am going back to job seeking with the experience I had back when I was still employed”.
What services/products Bellarosa offers and how do you make sure you are delivering good quality service and products to the public? “We are a poultry farm that produces fresh chicken and eggs, and all of our staff have been extensively trained to bring the best quality and pricing to households, while other businesses and everyone else is interested in getting money. We also offer training to upcoming poultry farmers at a chargeable rate as of September 2022. We will make sure to give full updates about these trainings on our social platforms as soon as we start”.
Highlights of your business journey so far? “The fact that the business is expanding and we will be working at our own farm as of next month is a high for us. We have increased our supply and we are now serving a bigger market. Also, I am a speaker - motivating youth and women to consider working for themselves to help boost the economy because in all honesty now, there are really no jobs for graduates and young people who are entering the corporate world”.
When not busy running Bellarosa, what do you do to keep sane? “I really enjoy spending time with my family and friends, travelling. When I’m home I enjoy watching a good series to unwind, meditate, do some journaling and pray a lot”.
Lastly, word of advice to women in business in this women’s month? "As a woman you need to always prove yourself twice as much when you’re working in a male dominated Industry but all I’m going to say to is that, if it’s changing the person that you are, it’s really not your journey. Life is full of opportunities for youth and women, ask for help, talk to people and pray for direction and always remember to be kind to yourself all the time”.