Meet Lungisile Mtshutshwana, a young and promising professional hailing from Gqeberha. Despite growing up in the humble surroundings of Kwazakhele, Lungisile has already made an impressive impact as he steadily climbs the corporate ladder in Nelson Mandela Bay. With his exceptional talent and dedication, he has established himself as one of the top event organizers in the city. Holding a B Tech degree in Public Administration, along with a National Diploma and a Project Management certificate, Lungisile's qualifications speak for his competence and expertise.
Before his recent appointment as the Internal and Dealer Communications Officer at ISUZU Motors, Lungisile served as the SMME Services Coordinator for the Nelson Mandela Business Chamber team. In this role, he acted as a single point of contact, providing advisory and support services to the chamber's members. Now, he eagerly embraces his new position at ISUZU, excited about the potential to influence change and contribute to the automotive industry.
As Lungisile continues to ascend the corporate ladder, he has learned valuable lessons that he plans to apply to his ongoing growth. When asked about these lessons, he highlights two key factors: agility and continuous improvement. He emphasizes the importance of agility in an ever-changing and uncertain business landscape, acknowledging that organizations have had to operate at a fast pace due to the pandemic. Additionally, he believes that continuous improvement plays a vital role in personal and professional development. He advocates for remaining open to always learning and striving for improvement to progress.
When it comes to building relationships with colleagues and stakeholders, Lungisile recognizes the significance of fostering genuine connections. Understanding that individuals spend a substantial portion of their lives at work, he acknowledges the value of contributing to a positive organizational environment. Lungisile firmly believes that professional and healthy relationships enhance job satisfaction, create value, and bring meaning to work.
Lungisile's areas of specialization include Public and Business Administration, Project Management, as well as PR and Events. His extensive experience and exceptional communication skills have undoubtedly opened doors for him in numerous ways. However, Lungisile's success is not solely based on his professional capabilities. Those who know him personally describe him as humble, driven, and warm, with a remarkable set of values that earn him respect in every endeavor he undertakes.
When asked about what young people may do to make employers doubt their capabilities, Lungisile points out a common shortcoming: the failure to seek collaboration and learn from experienced professionals. He believes that a lack of willingness to learn from those with more experience can cast doubt on the ability of young individuals to drive organizations forward. In Lungisile's view, experienced employees should impart their knowledge to the next generation, while young talents should embrace the opportunity to learn and grow.
“Outside of work, it is so important for me to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Despite my professional drive, I also understand the need to unwind and take care of my well-being. At the age of 28, you’ll find me exploring new venues in the Bay that offer exquisite sparkling wine. Alternatively, I cherish spending quality time with family, because I consider them to be the most important aspect of my life”.
Lungisile Mtshutshwana serves as an inspiration for young professionals in Nelson Mandela Bay. With his impressive accomplishments and unwavering dedication, he exemplifies the qualities necessary to succeed in the corporate world. As he continues to climb the ladder, Lungisile remains committed to agility, continuous improvement, and building strong relationships. Through his expertise and values, he is poised to make a significant impact on the Automotive Industry and beyond.